North Yorkshire Council

Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee


4 December 2023


Council Plan



1.         Purpose of the report

To update Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee on what is being considered as part of the process to develop the 2024 – 2028 Council Plan.




2.    The Council Plan covers a 4 year period and is updated on an annual basis. The next iteration of the plan, covering 2024-2028 will require approval by full Council in February 2024 (alongside the Medium Term Financial Strategy), having been considered  by Executive (on 23 January 2024).


3.      A light refresh is being undertaken this year rather than a full rewrite, as a new plan was developed last year for the council and many of the ambitions and actions described remain current. The themes of Place and Environment, Economy, Health and Wellbeing, People, and Organisation are still considered to be relevant and allow for a cross- cutting approach which is important as the new Council’s directorates work together. This refresh provides the opportunity to build on existing priorities, now we have a clearer idea of the council’s strategic direction, as well as being more specific on how we are going to achieve them.


4.    The foreword to the new plan will describe the progress made over the first year of North Yorkshire Council, to explain the context for the new plan.


5.    The following have been identified as proposed areas of revision or addition in relation the main themes of the current plan:


5.1. Place and Environment

5.1.1.   Strengthening references to public transport meeting the needs of users, including for those using wheelchairs and mobility aids.

5.1.2.   Expand references to new housing developments to include access to culture, leisure and outside space.

5.1.3.   Update wording to reflect current approach to resilient Community Partnerships and Community Anchor Organisations.

5.1.4.   Include reference to businesses’ role in assisting local resilience.


5.2. Economy

5.2.1.   To include reference that skills meet the needs of the emerging creative sector.

5.2.2.   To include references that the places in which people live should promote their health and wellbeing now and in the future. 

5.2.3.   To include references to participation in inclusive, relevant cultural activity.

5.2.4.   To include reference to using engagement with culture, arts and heritage to improve health and wellbeing.

5.2.5.   To reference the importance of culture in place shaping.

5.2.6.   To reference the need to support the digital connectivity of the cultural sector.

5.2.7.   To reference the relevance of a network of inclusive and accessible libraries.


5.3. Health and Wellbeing

5.3.1.   To highlight the role of leisure centres as wellbeing hubs, providing inclusive sport and wellbeing facilities.

5.3.2.   To reference supporting community groups and local grassroots sports clubs

5.3.3.   To include reference to improving the skills of the sport and active wellbeing workforce


5.4. People

5.4.1.   To reference work with communities and voluntary sector to develop enriching activities and support for children, young people and families.

5.4.2.   To reference an integrated refugee and resettlement service and the need to provide support to access to suitable accommodation, education and help and support services.


5.5. Organisation

5.5.1.   To include the consideration of commuting to work in the reduction of emissions

5.5.2.   To include an ambition for a One council approach, where colleagues work together to achieve our ambitions and support each other, supporting diversity, supporting strong performance, sharing of ideas and become an employer of choice.


6.    The section describing the performance monitoring of the Council Plan will be updated to reference the developing OFLOG framework of indicators, which will need to form the basis of future performance reporting. This will require some evolution over the coming year as the national arrangements are agreed.


7.    The council’s equality objectives are also being reviewed by the council’s Corporate EDI group and may be updated to reflect the current context.


8.    Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee is asked to comment on the approach being taken and the areas of amendment to the plan.


9.    As last year, it is proposed to circulate by email the draft plan to all Members of the Council as soon as possible after 15th December 2023, when there will be an opportunity to comment further.


Rachel Joyce- Assistant Chief Executive: Local Engagement

22 November 2023

Background information: The current Council Plan (2023 - 2027) is available at